Welcome to my website.
On this site you will find a selection of my writing, on a range of subjects: philosophy, politics, art, finance, and social business. Some of this work has been published elsewhere and some is only available here. Each time a new piece of writing is added to the site it will also be profiled on this page.
In addition, I write regularly at The Essence of Water, a website run by my friend Peter Freilinger, which publishes essays by a group of writers on what we like to call moral philosophy.
If you want to send me comments about this site or about my work, please contact me.
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Latest addition
I have added two short pieces, both with a philosophical flavour.
The first is a review of Larry Temkin's book, Being Good in a World of Need. The book's cover shows a painting of The Good Samaritan, whereas The Damascene Conversion might have been the better choice, as the book documents his growing awareness of the weakness of the arguments in favour of "effective altruism". It turns out that doing good is a complex challenge, and not one that should be undertaken without careful reflection.
The second piece is the text of a short talk that I gave at a conference in Berlin in June 2022, offering some reflections on Hegel's view of history. It makes no sense to think that history might have come to an end, since the material conditions in which history is made are uncertain and unstable..